Criminal Defense

Volusia County Attorney Fighting for the Rights of Defendants

Criminal Defense

It is normal to feel overwhelmed and afraid after being charged with a crime. The legal proceedings that follow from these events require the assistance of a skillful attorney to minimize the consequences. If you are looking for a trustworthy Volusia County criminal defense lawyer, you should call the Law Office of Genine Ann Mejia. We build compelling cases and go to trial when justice demands it. Genine Ann Mejia is a skilled trial attorney who can fight for you.

Whether they are prosecuting a DUI or a drug crime, a Florida prosecutor will need to prove criminal charges beyond a reasonable doubt to secure a conviction. Generally, they will need to prove that you committed a particular act and that you had a criminal intent while committing it. Most prosecutors only bring criminal charges if they believe that they have enough evidence to secure a conviction. It is important to retain an experienced attorney as soon as you realize that you are being investigated. Sometimes there are substantive challenges that we can raise in your defense, while in other cases, we may be able to challenge the procedures used. If, for example, the police used compulsion to procure a statement or did not give you Miranda warnings before interrogating you in custody, we may be able to have your statements suppressed.


Drunk driving convictions can result in jail time, the loss of your driver’s license, high insurance costs, and heavy fines. Following a DUI stop in Volusia County, our knowledgeable criminal defense attorney can analyze every aspect of your case. If you are physically in control of a car, and your blood alcohol content is .08% or higher, you can be charged with a per se DUI. Also, it is important to be aware that Florida is an implied consent state, and you can be charged and have your license suspended if you refuse to take a chemical test after being arrested for a DUI. Additionally, the more DUI offenses that you accumulate, the harsher the penalties become, making it important to consult an experienced DUI defense attorney for the very first charge.

Drug Crimes

Florida takes drug crimes very seriously. Some controlled substances include cocaine, GHB, heroin, hydrocodone, marijuana, MDMA, methamphetamine, synthetic drugs, fentanyl, oxycodone, and benzodiazepines. You can be charged for possessing, possessing for sale, selling, manufacturing, or importing a controlled substance into Florida. If you are caught with more than a threshold amount of a controlled substance, you can be charged with drug trafficking. Drug trafficking convictions carry mandatory minimum sentences. These are sentences over which judges have very little discretion. Retaining a Volusia County criminal defense attorney is critical when the stakes are so high.

Violent Crimes

Violent crimes in Florida include homicide, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, and aggravated battery. Often, these are crimes in which significant bodily harm and permanent disability are caused, and the penalties if you are convicted can be significant. What must be proven depends on the violent crime being charged. For example, to show aggravated assault, a prosecutor needs to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you unlawfully and intentionally threatened by words or acts to perpetrate violence against the victim. For another example, under Florida Statute section 794.011, sexual battery is perpetrated if somebody has nonconsensual vaginal, anal, or oral contact with someone else by using an object or a sexual organ.

Certain types of violence can result in especially harsh sentencing. Under the Florida 10-20-Life law, or Florida Statute section 775.087, penalties are heightened for crimes when a firearm is used to commit a crime.

Consult an Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer in Volusia County

Whether you are charged with a DUI, a violent crime, a drug crime, or another type of crime, your future well-being is at risk. It is important to select an experienced criminal defense attorney who understands how to develop a strong strategy and will work hard to achieve the best available resolution. At the Law Office of Genine Ann Mejia, our principal is a compassionate attorney dedicated to safeguarding her clients’ rights. We also represent clients in Flagler County and the surrounding areas. Call us at (386) 463-0849 or complete our online form.

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