Traffic Violations
Volusia County Attorney Advocating for Drivers in Traffic Court

Often, traffic offenses involve minor infractions, but they can result in significant fees and insurance premiums. You should not underestimate the toll that penalties for traffic violations can take on your life. We work hard to get traffic offenses dismissed or reduced. Volusia County traffic ticket lawyer Genine Ann Mejia has represented clients in cases involving speeding, reckless driving, running a red light, failing to signal when changing lanes, failing to wear a seatbelt, driving without a license, hit and run, and license restriction violations. Whether you are facing a moving or non-moving violation, we have the knowledge necessary to protect your interests in traffic court. Call the Law Offices of Genine Ann Mejia about your traffic ticket.
The Florida Point System
In Florida, a point system is used, whereby drivers can get 12 points over a year before suspensions will be imposed on them. If 12 points are accumulated in a year, a driver may face a suspension for 30 days. If a driver accumulates 18 points in 18 months or 24 points in two years, they can have their license suspended for three months or one year. If there are significant infractions, the court has the discretion to suspend their license.
Traffic Offenses
You can defend yourself against a citation for a traffic violation in traffic court, but it is wise to retain a skillful traffic ticket attorney in Volusia County. Criminal traffic offenses can include driving on a suspended license, reckless driving, refusing to submit to a chemical test, hit and run, driving without a valid license, racing on a highway, driving without a valid registration, unlawful display of a license, and driving with an expired vehicle registration. Also, criminal charges can be brought if you get too many points in the Florida driving system, if you injured somebody else while driving, if you were driving under the influence of alcohol, or if you failed to pay for traffic tickets.
Appearing in court for a serious infraction is mandatory, but there are also situations in which you can plead guilty to a traffic offense by mailing in your fine or submitting a payment online. It is wise to fight a citation if you are concerned that the points that you will receive could push you over the limit for points and result in your driver’s license being suspended. Traffic court is also an appropriate place to address license suspension concerns.
Habitual Traffic Offender Designation
You can be designated a habitual traffic offender under Florida Statutes § 322.264 if you accumulate three or more convictions for certain offenses within five years. These situations are all very serious, so you should promptly retain a Volusia County traffic ticket attorney. The offenses that can go toward a habitual traffic offender designation include DUI, involuntary manslaughter, voluntary manslaughter, driving on a suspended or revoked license, failing to stop and help after getting into a motor vehicle crash, driving a commercial motor vehicle when disqualified to do this, or a felony arising from your use of a motor vehicle.
Habitual traffic offender status may also result if you get convicted for 15 moving traffic violations for which points may be assessed within five years under the Florida point system. If you have been deemed a habitual traffic offender, your license can be suspended for a maximum of five years. If you are caught driving as a habitual traffic offender, you may face a felony charge of the third degree. Third-degree felonies are punishable with up to five years in prison, a $5,000 fine, or both.
Consult an Experienced Traffic Attorney
If you are concerned about a traffic violation citation or charge in Florida, you should consult a skillful attorney. At the Law Office of Genine Ann Mejia, our principal is a caring and capable traffic ticket lawyer who confidently assists Volusia County drivers. We also represent clients in Flagler County. Call us at (386) 463-0849 or complete our online form.